General Contracting
General contracting : Home additions and repair ,restoration and remodeling for residential and commercial properties.
We provide
Planning: Develop a detailed schedule for the project
Procurement: Secure materials, equipment, and labor
Hiring: Recruit and manage subcontractors for specialized tasks
Compliance: Ensure the project complies with building codes and safety regulations
Communication: Keep the project owner and other stakeholders informed
Budgeting: Coordinate the project budget and manage funds
Quality: Ensure the project meets quality standards
Lighting Installation
Commercial and residential Electrical Repairs
Enhance the ambiance of your space with our professional lighting installation services, tailored to your specific needs and preferences.
For commercial and residential properties, i specialize in prompt and reliable electrical repairs additions and upgrades.
Residential Home lighting, appliance, heating and cooling Commercial and Business .wiring rooms, installing outlets, setting up lighting, and integrating smart home technologie, Residential EV Charging station installation, Wifi and Non Wifi Home and Business installation services as well.
*NEW* Mobile Mechanic Repair
On the spot repair
Brakes and rotors : installation starting at $80.00 per set and $20.00 additional per rotor - Parts not included.
Alternators and starters : installation starting at $80.00 - Parts not included.
Tune ups belts and hoses : installation starting at $80.00 - Parts not included.
Headlights and Batteries : headlights installation starting at $20.00 - parts not included. Batteries Starting at $80.00 to $199.00
Including installation.
Call today servicing Columbus, Ohio